Friday, September 19, 2008

Ordering a Pizza

We swagger up to the counter. The 17-year-old in the Papa Murphy's shirt smiles uneasily at me.

Me: It be a pizza we be wantin'

Pizza Guy: Um, huh?

Me: You do know it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day, don't you?

Pizza Guy: What? Seriously?

Me: That it be!

Pizza Guy: So you've been talking like a pirate all day?

Me: I teach elementary school, so...

Pizza Guy: you have been talking like a pirate all day.

Me: Can you be fixin us a delicious pizza today?

Pizza Guy: How do you say "yes" in pirate?

Me: "Aye."

Pizza Guy: Oh. Aye. What... you be... wantin... on your pizza?

Me: (clapping hands enthusiastically) Arr! That be some fine pirate talk, matey! We be wantin to have some fine cheese on one side of that thar pizza, and ye can put some of that pepperoni on the other half.

Pizza Guy: That will be $8.07.

Me: Will ye accept me Pieces of Eight?

Pizza Guy: What is that?

Me: Pirate money. Here. Take me fine debit card, instead.

Pizza Guy: What name can I have for your pizza?

Me: Captain Binta.


Amy Lou said...

I tried talking to the security guys at the airport in pirate language. They didn't think it was too funny.

Anonymous said...

I totally forgot it was TLPD! :(
I am so bummed. Now I have to wait for a whole 'nother year!