Monday, May 26, 2008


Guess who thinks she's Stevie Wonder's "Best Fan?"

Monday, May 12, 2008

See, Scott Montminy? THIS is Why You Proofread!

I got a Mother's Day card yesterday. It was one of those precious child-made cards. The one where you fold a piece of construction paper in half and write your own message inside, complete with the scratchy handwriting of a child. The card said:

"To Mom: Thac you foc! I love you. love Binta."

Ok. Pause a second here. I know it's early (Seven freakin' o'clock in the morning, to be exact!) but my brain registers the message as saying:

"To Mom: Thank you fuck! I love you. love Binta."

I asked her to read it to me, and she quickly discovered the error that she had made. Apparently, it was supposed to say:

"To Mom: Thank you. You rock! I love you. love, Binta."

She had accidentally printed an "f" instead of an "r" and left out an additional "you."

I feel the need to bring up the Scott Montminy debate again.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Losing a Tooth, Binta-Style

What other child do you know who will provide a play-by-play narration as she pulls out her second tooth?