Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's Tough Being the Parent of a Brilliant Child

....'cause they ask questions like this:

"Mama, if we could taste a taste bud, what would it taste like?"

Any suggestions for the answer to this one, folks?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hooked on Phonics

Binta's spelling is really coming along! The other day, she told me that "ou" makes the "ow" sound. She then went on to label the cloud in her picture "c-l-o-u-d."

This morning, between bites of Frosted Flakes, she had her red Expo marker in her hand, and would write another word on her whiteboard easel.

She asked me for a suggestion, and I said, "It." She said she didn't know how to spell "it," and I encouraged her to listen to the sounds and write those. She wrote "i-t." I clapped enthusiastically, and said, "Now you know all of the "-it" words!"

We then took turns listing "-it" words.
Me: bit
Binta: lit
Me: spit
Binta: shit
Me: ... (moment of panic, before I decided to make it into a "no big deal" learning experience.) Me: Oh, that's not a nice word. (then I move us on, quickly, to avoid giving too much attention to the word that I desperately hope doesn't come out sometime in her Kindergarten class.)
Me: hit
Binta: Oh, that's not a nice word, either.