Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Professional Goal for this Year

Car: washed and vacuumed
Gift on the first day of school: Flowers
In the Attic: Reflecting and goal-setting a new school year

It's been an amazingly smooth start to the school year. The first days of teaching kids are always stressful and demanding. They require all of the energy from one's reserves. There simply is no way around this fact. During this time, it is completely normal to find me in bed and asleep before 9:00 PM. By the second week, though, things have a way of settling into a little routine. By now, I have been able to transition from a full-page of scripted, play-by-play lesson plans that I kept glued to my hand, to simply filling in a phrase or two into the appropriate space of my plan book, which stays open on my desk. It's starting to feel like the kids and I know what to expect.

I went out to a party organized by a colleague of mine. While holding a beer in my hand, I announced to my co-workers that this was my professional goal for this year. I received laughter and cheering.

But I was serious.

Somewhere, between getting divorced, becoming a single parent, and taking on extra responsibilities at work, I have gotten lost. I do an excellent job taking care of my daughter. I do a fantastic job of taking care of my students. But when it comes to taking care of me, I realize that I have gotten the shaft. I don't seek out activities that I would enjoy, I have gained too much weight, and I turn down social opportunities that come my way.

So I wasn't kidding when I shared my professional goal this year: to put myself first. I'm going to find time to spend on my hobbies and interests. I'm going to go to the gym on a regular basis and eat healthier. I'm going to participate in more social events.

If an airplane is going down, the flight attendants aways instruct the adults to put their own masks on first before taking care of anyone else. The obvious realization is that if you pass out, you will not be able to help anyone else. Well that's what's happened in this case. This is why I argue that this is a professional goal, even though people laugh at me. By making certain that I am well taken care of, I will be able to provide for my daughter and students in an even more effective manner than before.

You'll have to excuse me now. I have an oxygen mask to put on.

Monday, September 04, 2006

As Summer Comes to a Close...

Today's post will feature a reflection of the highlights of our summer.

Best stadium concert: American Idols Live

Best free concert: Captain Bogg and Salty

Most shocking news: Binta's dad having a baby

Best book: The Kite Runner

Worst book: Raggedy Ann and Andy and the Paper Dragon

Proudest achievement: filing the stacks of papers on my desk

Sheepish confession: addiction to vintage Sesame Street clips on YouTube

Best puppet show: The Adventures of Sinbad

Most disturbing find: maggots

Coolest library: Seattle Central Library

Best outdoor fun: swimming

New skill learned: how to make pickles

Old CD dug out: The Smiths: Louder Than Bombs (and I still know ALL the words!)

Best movie: Hoodwinked

Best overall outcome of the summer: feeling closer than ever to my daughter