Friday, July 17, 2009

Boiling Blood

For some people, their blood boils when they're really, really mad.
For others, their blood boils when they're really, really hot.

For me, my blood boils when I'm really, really mad because my daughter has turned on the gas fireplace in 90 degree weather.

She was cold, she explains. She had just run through the sprinkler outside. In the 90 degree weather. So she came inside and turned on the fire.

It was my nose that alerted me. I had naturally assumed (as I think anyone would) that the excessive heat I was experiencing at the other end of the house was a result of the 90 degree weather. Not once did I guess that the heat was caused by the flames of hell burning in my family room. Not until I recognized the familiar smell the gas stove puts off as it is burning hot and strong.

It is 10:30 pm. It is a sticky 79 degrees outside my house. It is a miserable, sweltering 84 degrees inside my house.